
A User's Guide to Gouache

Step One: Dig out remaining Colour and Design tools.

Step Two: Remember you broke all of your brushed on those trees you did on your atmospheric perspective project and that you are missing half of your paints.

Step Three: Go to the nearest art store, only to realize they haven't had at least five of the colours that you need since the 70's. Run around San Francisco to find missing art supplies.

Step Four: Go back and begin filling up your palette. Break the skin on your hand while opening your paints and get paint flecks everywhere from your old tubes.

Step Five: Mix a colour that will take you hours to make.

Step Six: Fill up your water and add to paint. You add too much and your paint runs all over the page. As you attempt to fix your paint, you add too much and change the colour so you have to start all over again.

Step Seven: Now your paint is too thick but you don't realize because it is two in the morning. Lay down globs of paint and wreck your piece.

Step Eight: F*** it.

Emily the Explorer

So this is what I was working on when I wasn't able to post. I made a Children's book in less than two weeks! :D
I've pretty much been showing it off to everybody - I really like it and hope you all do too. If you would like to make a purchase from me, give me a request through email. There are still some changes I would like to make to it before shipping it off. This was made with traditional mediums, gouache and watercolours.

Does anyone think the name/theme is too similar to "Dora the Explorer"? I don't really think so because I don't have a rhyme thing going on and Emily doesn't know Spanish, and mine is more about real learning as opposed to "find the cookies". Plus, that's what she is. An Explorer. If anyone has any suggestions for another name or anything like that, let me know. :]

For all those Artists out there

Here are some helpful tips from other artists. :] These aren't mine, but I got a couple of packets from teachers and thought it would be nice to share the love. Hope these help people!