
Inktober Day 14 Through 31

The rest and last of my Inktober drawings for this year! Japan was awesome and I will have to make a post to tell you all about it! My dad and I saw so many awesome things and ate such good food. I still hunger for sushi.

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Day 14:

Chelsea and Waddles
I wish I had a pig.

Day 15:

A request from my future cousin-in-laws. :]

Day 16:

The Clown
Ryan and I really love watching American Horror Story together and the clown from it literally freaked me out so much that I wasn't able to sleep well for two nights and winced when I saw an actual clown. So he suggested I draw him and now I am not as afraid! :3

Day 17:

Babysat my neighbors' cat just before going off to Japan. She is such a little darling. I always have wanted a calico ♥

Day 18:

Drew Ryan a couple of times before I left. I missed him while I was in Japan, but I did good and didn't let it override my trip!

Day 19:

Purple Witch and Piglet
Cute little watercolour I did when nervously trying to go to bed right before my travel day.

Off to Japan I go!

Day 20:

Drew Ryan on the plane! ♥ Took our photo-strip from when Ryan first moved to San Francisco with me on the trip.

Day 21:

Braided Witch and Her Teacup Pig

Pigs in cups! Promised more pigs and witches.

Day 22:

Chelsea In Japan
My first day in Japan I was greeted with rain. Still an incredibly fun day. The breakfast buffets at the hotel were amazing and we had curry for our first Japanese meal, and tempura for dinner. Mmm ♥

Day 23:

Sukiyaki and Sashimi
I've had sukiyaki in America and wasn't in love with it. The restaurant we went to was not only a traditional, awesome restaurant, but also DELICIOUS. They also served us sashimi which was my first glimpse of how wonderful sushi was going to be.

Day 24:

Winnie the Pooh
My dad and I went to Tokyo Disneyland, and they have Pooh's Hunny Hunt which is amazing!! If you get the chance, deal with the loooong lines at Disneyland and go!

Day 25:

High Fivu
My dad and I went to Tokyo Disneyland (super fun!!) and were waiting in line for the Winnie the Pooh ride when this kid starts reaching over at me from his mom's arms. He was so cute ♡ so I held up my hand and said "high-five!" His mom leaned over and had our hands touch and she repeated "high-fivu!" At one point she got super embarrassed and said "すみません (excuse me), is fine?" to which I nodded and replied "high-five! " and I gave her son another high-five. She was very amused.

Day 26:

Met a ‪cute cat at a shrine in Arashiyama‬ on the way to see the ‎macaque monkeys in ‎Iwatayama Park. He just climbed in my lap!! The women in the ticket stall were laughing at me and my dad was thinking "how many stitches will this girl need??" Luckily the cat was super lovey-dovey ♡

Day 27:

 O-jyorou gumo
Giant spiders known in Japanese as O-jyorou gumo lined a lot of the parks. They are known in English as Golden Silk Orb-Weavers. These suckers were a good inch and a half or so in length of body and 3-4 inch leg span! I was reading up on them a bit more later and they can get up to 5 inches!! They lined a lot of paths in the parks. Not lethal, but the bite is said to hurt just due to sheer size.

Day 28:

Kill It With Fire!!!
Ah kill it with fire!! We ordered prawns and we got a live, fluttering prawn tail. It was beautiful, but I surely could not eat it while it was twitching. The sushi chef was kind enough to actually kill it with fire for us.

Day 29:

My dad and I in Japan. It was awesome to explore the city and find new things and eat all the food, but very exhausting.

Day 29 Extra 1:

Chelsea Dreams of Sushi
Due to being exhausted all the time, I kind of gave up on post up things and just decided to wait until I got home to post everything up. Also, ran into some issues with not being able to scan stuff in when things weren't quite square haha so it was good to just wait. I decided to add some extra drawings to make up for the loss of time.

Day 29 Extra 2:

Pure gold. Said this at one point to myself on the trip. My dad cracked up. I'm sure in that moment, he was proud to call me his daughter.

The Return Home!

Day 30:

My Cats
My cats did not love when I tried to leave after I got home, especially not when I went to do laundry. How dare I try to do anything other than stay at home with them!!

Day 31:

Happy Halloween
This was my costume this year! My mom gave me the hat and apron from a year back. While in Japan I got these adorable cat stockings that have cat head shapes on them, one with a face and one with the word "cat" on it haha just in case you didn't know. Also just recently got a Mickey Mouse treat bucket from Ry's family ♡ trick or treat! Hope all of you had a Happy Halloween~!